
We believe following Jesus means caring for forgotten children.

For over 100 years, we’ve gone to the world’s poorest places, to work with families living in the most difficult circumstances – so the most vulnerable are not left behind.

With your help, we set up remote surgical units, battling brownouts and tropical diseases, all to give the miracle of health.

Jesus spent His life caring for people on the fringes of society – people who were blind, poor, forgotten. That’s our inspiration.

Our faith drives us to work in the world’s poorest countries and communities.

When was the last time you felt inspired?​

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What does it look like when kids living with disability in poverty receive healing for their bodies and hearts? When you fill out the form below, you’ll get access to our inspiring newsletter with more stories about the resilience and potential of the amazing kids we meet—kids like Masiyaleta. And you’ll also see how your love and generosity are transforming the lives of the most vulnerable children in the world!