Seeing the World Clearly: Clara’s Story

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Clara is an inquisitive little girl. She likes to explore the world around her – but partial blindness made getting around more difficult. 

When Clara was two years old, her family noticed a white spot in her left eye. It was only when her family took Clara to a government hospital that the doctors identified she had a cataract.

Clara needed surgery to be able to see fully again. But money is beyond tight for this family. There was no way they could afford the sight-saving care Clara needed.

“I pray about her sight, that she will be able to see.”


Thankfully, Clara’s family heard about Hope and Healing’s partner hospital through our partner’s outreach clinic in the community.

Her grandma was determined to get Clara to the care she needed.

“I did piecework to get the funds to go to the hospital,”

she told us. And thankfully, a generous Canadian like you provided the funds for Clara’s surgery.   

Now she can finally see the world clearly! God answered her grandma’s prayers, all because of the compassion of someone like you.  

When you leave a legacy gift in your Will, you can make a sight-saving difference in the lives of more children like Clara for generations to come. Your legacy gift can change the course of a child’s life, giving them restored hope and a brighter future, full of sight. 

Would you prayerfully consider leaving a gift in your Will to Hope and Healing International to help another child like Edel?

When you leave a legacy gift in your Will, you change the course of a child’s life, giving them restored hope and a brighter future. 

Edel smiling during her Intervention

Edel’s Story


Kenward’s Story