Our Impact

Our Impact

Together with you, we bring hope and healing to the world’s most vulnerable children, caught in the cycle of poverty and disability.


children and families trapped in poverty and disability received hope and healing because of your support.



children got the life-giving health care and support they needed.

Family Livelihood


children benefitted from their family receiving livelihood training, medical support, shelter.

Because of you, kids like Cloud are getting the treatment they need.

“I am so delighted that Cloud has undergone a successful surgery. We don’t take it for granted but it is our prayer that God should bless everyone who helped.” – Cloud’s mom

Cloud developed bowlegs when he started walking. This little boy needed corrective surgery to be able to run and play on legs that are straight and strong. And as time went on, Cloud’s parents became more worried for their son. There was no way they could afford such an expensive surgery. Thankfully, Cloud received the medical care he needed to straighten his legs – thanks to someone like you who made his treatment possible! Now, he looks forward to chasing his dreams of becoming a famous football player!

“I am so delighted that Cloud has undergone a successful surgery. We don’t take it for granted but it is our prayer that God should bless everyone who helped.” – Cloud’s mom



children received accessible education support.


Social Attitudes


children benefitted from leaders and parents who learned how to better support children with disabilities.



children with disabilities received access to heart-healing activities and media.

Our vision is a world where all children can be all that God created them to be.

Take a closer look at the incredible difference you made in 2024!

2024 Annual Report
Renewed Hope

2024 Impact &
Strategy Deep Dive