
Jackline’s Story

Tears of Pain Changed to Smiles of Joy


Jackline is a little girl in Tanzania who’s a beautiful reminder of how love can change a child’s life. Jackline was born with cerebral palsy. When her mom brought her to our partner rehabilitation centre, she had no hope for her daughter’s future.

“I had no hopes. I wasn’t expecting my child to maybe one day be able to stand and walk. But they received her there well and they started her therapy.” – Jackline’s mom

Thanks to the love of her mom and friends like you, Jackline has been receiving physiotherapy and health care since she was three months old.

Now, not only can Jackline stand and walk, she’s also going to school and is 4th in her class! She has friends who support and help her when she needs help.

This little girl is thriving. We could see it when we talked with her.

They helped me to not be alone or to think that I’m alone in this world.

– Jackline

Jackline grins and holds her head high while speaking fast and in excellent English. She knows what she wants to say and doesn’t let her disability hold her back or affect how she sees herself.

Would you prayerfully consider leaving a gift in your Will to help another child like Jackline?

By leaving a legacy gift, you provide vital medical care to kids with disabilities and show them that they are loved and valued for years to come.
Edel smiling during her Intervention

Edel’s Story


Kenward’s Story